The Real Historic Details

USS Eldridge (DE-173), 1943-1951



In 1912, a mathematician named David Hilbert developed several different methods of new math. One of these was known as "Hilbert Space." With this he developed equations for multiple realities and multiple spaces. He met Dr. John von Neumann in 1926 and shared his information. Von Neumann took a lot of the systems he learned from Hilbert and ran with it. According to Einstein, von Neumann was the most brilliant of mathematicians. He had an uncanny ability to take abstract theoretical concepts in math and apply them to physical situations. Von Neumann developed all kinds of new systems and math. A Dr. Levinson had come along and developed the "Levinson Time Equations." He published three books, which are now very obscure and almost impossible to find. An associate of mine did dig up two of them at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study. All of this work was to serve as a background for the invisibility project which would apply the theoretical principles to a large hard object. Serious research into the subject of invisibility began in earnest in the early 1930's at the University of Chicago. Dr. John Hutchinson Sr. served as Dean at this particular time and was privy to the work of Dr. Kurtenhauer, an Austrian physicist then at the University.


They were later joined by Nikola Tesla. Together, they studied the nature of relativity and invisibility. In 1933, the Institute for Advanced Study was formed at Princeton University. This included Albert Einstein and John von Neumann, a brilliant mathematician and scientist. The invisibility project was transferred to Princeton shortly thereafter. In 1936, the project was expanded and Tesla was made the director of the group. With Tesla on board, partial invisibility was achieved before the end of the year. Research went on to 1940 when a full test was done in the Brooklyn Naval Yard. It was a small test, with no one on board the vehicle. The ship used was powered by generators from other ships, connected by cables. Another scientist, T. Townsend Brown, became involved at this point. He was known for his practical ability to apply theoretical physics. Brown had a background in gravity and magnetic mines. He had developed counter measures to the mines with a technique known as degaussing. This would trip the mines at a safe distance.


There was a big brain drain on Europe in the 1930's. Many Jewish and Nazi scientists were smuggled into the country. Much of this influx has been attributed to A. Duncan Cameron Sr. Although we know he had extensive connections, his exact relationship to intelligence circles is still a mystery. By 1941, Tesla had full confidence of the powers that be (FDR). A ship was procured on his behalf, and he had coils wrapped around the entire ship. His famous Tesla coils were also employed on the ship. However, he grew wary because as the project developed, he knew there would be problems with personnel. Perhaps he knew this due to his ability to fully visualize his inventions in his mind. In any case, Tesla knew that the mental state and bodies of the crew would be affected severely. He wanted more time to perfect the experiment. Von Neumann disagreed with this vehemently at the time and the two never got along. Von Neumann was a brilliant scientist but did not embrace metaphysics for its own sake. Metaphysics was old hat to Tesla, and he had built a successful legacy of inventions based upon his unique prescience. Part of what made his views so controversial was that during his experiments in Colorado Springs, circa 1900, he said that off planet intelligence had contacted him via consistent signal messages when Mars approached. This also occurred in 1926 when he had radio towers erected in the Waldorf Astoria and at his New York city lab. He claimed to receive information that he'd lose people if things were not changed. He needed time to design new equipment. Tesla's requests for more time were not heeded.


The government had a war to win and additional time was not granted. Tesla went through the motions but secretly sabotaged the operation in March 1942. He was either fired or quit. He is supposed to have died in 1943, but there is arguable evidence to suggest he was wicked off to England. A look-alike derelict is supposed to have been put in his place for the funeral. He was cremated the day after his body was found which was not in keeping with the tradition of his family's orthodox faith. Whether or not he died is controversial. That secret papers were removed from his safe has never been in question. Von Neumann was named director of the project. He did a study and determined that two huge generators would be required for the experiment. The keel for the USS Eldridge was laid in July 1942. Tests were done at dry dock. Then, in late '42, von Neumann decided that the experiment could be fatal to people, just as Tesla had suggested. Ironically, he still got upset at the mention of Tesla's name. He decided a third generator would do the trick. He had time to build one but never got the third one to synchronize with the other two. It never worked because the gear box was incompatible. The experiment went out of control and a Navy technician was zapped, went comatose for four months and left the project. They pulled out the third generator. Von Neumann wasn't satisfied, but his superiors weren't going to wait any longer.


In July 20, 1943, they decided it was ready and made tests. Duncan Cameron Jr. and his brother, Edward, were in the control room to operate it. The ship was no longer at anchor and orders came by radio to turn it on. Fifteen minutes of invisibility ensued. There were immediate problems with people. They got sick, some experiencing nausea. There were also mental illnesses and psychological disorientation. They needed more time, but the final deadline was given for August 12th, 1943. The orders came from the Chief of Naval Operations, and he said he was only concerned with the war. Trying to avoid damage to individuals involved, von Neumann tried to modify the equipment so that only radar invisibility would be achieved, not literal sight invisibility. Six days before the final test on the Eldridge.  However, for three to six minutes, things looked good. It appeared it might work without any devastating effects. They could see the outline of the ship - everything was gone. There were problems. The principal radio mast and the transmitter were broken. People were jammed in the bulkheads. Others were walking around in an insane state. Duncan and Edward Cameron did not suffer the same trauma as their shipmates. They had been shielded in the generator room which was surrounded by steel bulkheads. The steel acted as a shield to the RF energy. As they witnessed things falling apart, they tried to shut off the generator and transceivers but were unsuccessful.

Ships Log - Notice the Date!